Ayurvedic Health Transformation Program

Using the wisdom of Ayurveda to help you feel great in your body again.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You feel like you’re dragging yourself through your day.

  • You need coffee to perk up and alcohol to calm down.

  • Even though you’re beyond tired, you have trouble getting your mind to shut off and go to sleep at night.

  • Your body wakes you up early every morning (between 2-3am).

  • You have crazy mood swings that seem to come out of nowhere.

  • You have constant aches and pains that seem unrelated to work you’ve been doing.

  • Your digestion is a mess, and honestly a bit embarrassing. Gas, bloating, digestive upset, and constipation or diarrhea are a daily annoyance.

If you’re struggling with any or all of these problems, you’re not alone

Feel like everyone is giving you different health advice and your head is spinning trying to keep up? 

Feel like it’s too hard to go it alone and try to fix all your health complaints yourself?

Let’s simplify this process.  

All consultations are via Zoom

The Ayurvedic  Health Transformation Program is tailor made just for you. Literally, it’s tailor made to provide you exactly what you need to solve each of your health complaints.

We can get back to true health as we do a deeper dive in my Ayurvedic Health Transformation Program.  

This 3-month 1-on-1 program is personalized just for you, based on Ayurveda (an ancient system of health wisdom that tells us how our bodies were created to work; how we best achieve health).  

This program will give you time to focus on transforming your health.

Time to return to a feeling of calm and stability in your body.

Time to do the deep work of reconnecting with your body and understanding what it needs to start feeling good again.

This program is designed for clients who have previously completed the Ayurvedic Reset group program.  We build on the foundational knowledge learned there as we work together through this personalized program.

I work with clients to resolve all these issues - and more - on the daily, and I can help you too.

No guesswork.

No hacks.

No crazy intense lists of dos and don’ts.

Just a simple path to getting back to feeling great again.

Ayurvedic Health Transformation Program


Ayurvedic Health Transformation Program ~

Here’s what’s included:

  • A deep dive into your personal health history

  • Unique diagnostic assessments based on Ayurvedic principles  (Did you know your tongue gives me a window into your health?  Who knew?!)

  • A personalized plan to get you started

  • Weekly check-in calls to keep you focused, motivated, and on-track

  • The unique benefit of tapping into the wisdom of decades of experience as you work with me, because I have the great privilege of being able to regularly consult with other dedicated practitioners in the field of Ayurveda

Dr. Linda Weaver, PhD

“There are few people in this world who give people space to really learn. Nicole is one of those people - she clearly knows the subject backwards and forwards.”


“I love this program. I feel really centered in it and I feel my mind is at peace even with this crazy world that is driving me crazy”