Cultivate and Grow your Sangha

The final piece we’ll touch on regarding Sangha this month is cultivating and growing our Sangha. Once we’ve embodied the spirit of Sangha within ourselves, only then can we expect to find it in others and develop deeper connections with the community around us. So once we find ourselves in Sangha with others, what does it take to make sure it’s being cared for and grows in a way that’s helpful for everyone in the community?… tend to the garden!

I had a conversation recently with a friend that I consider part of my Sangha. We were talking about the garden we are trying to tend. The question arose, “are we watering the side of the garden that is filled with rattlesnakes and constantly making us jump out of the attack zone… or are we able to water the side with amazing sunflowers that are continually reaching new heights and looking for more sun (positive energy)?” We have an active choice which side of the garden to tend to.

Put time into friendships and relationships that help you grow. Be an active listener to those around you AND ask for that in return. Appreciate that the Sangha will require you to constantly ask deeper questions of yourself and this thing we call “living.” And finally, surround yourself with people that ask you these questions and support you as you listen for the answers.

Tune in for next month’s discussion on the Art of Unlearning.

With deep love and gratitude


The art of Unlearning: Body


How to find Sangha