Finding Clarity

New month, new mantra, new theme to work on. This month we’re working with the idea of “finding clarity.” I thought we would tap into trying to define what clarity looks like for you and then ways that we can access that clarity. So I think of clarity as this inner sense of knowing. Knowing what’s right for you at any given moment in relationships, in your healing process, in your career… all of it. So that sense of knowing what the next best step would be for you or the next thing to do or say. If you’ve ever tapped into that clarity, you know what I mean. Where it just feels like you know exactly what happens next. I think sometimes we can get so lost in media, social situations, and outside voices, that we can forget that our own body (our own sense of self) can actually give us so many answers.

So, the first week I thought we’d talk about practice and how coming to the mat and doing the physical postures, the breathwork, and the meditation as being this avenue to tap into clarity. One of the doctors that I’ve studied with, Dr. Vasant Lad, he talks about how,

“Confusion is the root cause of suffering” ~Vasant Lad

The daily practice, dinacharya (dina= daily, charya= routine, ritual, habit) is this way of creating the time and space to get clear, grounded, and centered, so confusion doesn’t happen. So we want to try to find the time and space to allow for clarity to happen. And that’s coming to the mat. Coming to the moment where you can find clarity everyday. Also, one of the quotes that I love by Sadhguru, he talks about how,

“Most people are thinking themselves to death” ~Sadhguru

This feels so true! There are so many thoughts in our minds. So much stuff getting processed up there. And sometimes it’s not even processed, it’s just happening. There’s no digestion of thoughts, it’s just going… constant thoughts. So thinking about dinacharya is also this “pause” in each day to stop the thinking and tap into the body. This practice is the pause in each day.

Here is to finding clarity by allowing yourself the time and space to get clear. And allowing the pause so you can hear when that clarity comes. Join me next week as we continue our discussion of “finding clarity.”

Sending love and gratitude!


Finding Clarity in the Calm


How Svadhyaya can lead to self-love