Santosha (contentment)

Hello! Let’s take a minute to talk about the intension/mantra that we’re working on in classes this month. This month we are working on Santosha. It is the second Niyama (personal control). Santosha translates to “complete contentment.” Here is a passage on Santosha that I really liked:

“Santosha is the second Niyama (personal control),  which in the most practical sense is conscious cultivation of an approach that teaches you to accept the current situation with contentment. The Sanskrit word “Santosha” is derived by adding the prefix “Sam” (meaning completely) to the root word “Tosha” (meaning Contentment.) In a literal sense, Santosha means “complete contentment” or “absolute contentment”.

This month we'll think about ways to cultivate a sense of contentment with where we are in our practice (and life) to allow ourselves a release of constantling wanting something to be "better" or "different" than it is in the current moment. It doesn't mean we don't keep working on poses or try to do new things in our practice, but can we appreciate where we are at this current moment in our body and in our life?

“There is contentment and tranquility when the flame of the spirit does not waver in the wind of desire.” ~ BKS Iyengar

See how that resonates for you in your practice or in your life. Sending many well wishes


Santosha for Balance


Shine Brighter!… without burning yourself up