Take Time to Reflect
We are back for the final week of the overarching theme “digesting each moment.” I thought I’d throw in a fun practice to see if it resonates with you. One thing with Ayurveda is that we look at each day as a unit of time and to give each day it’s own appreciation, time for reflection. A really fun practice to do is to reflect at the end of each day of what happened. One quote that I love:
“Wisdom comes from reflection” ~ Deborah Day
The idea of giving yourself a moment within each day to appreciate the small little moments that made it beautiful. To have time to see those beautiful moments.
The nighttime rituals can be really powerful and in Ayurveda we would say the morning and evening routines (dinacharya) are a great way to bookend the sleep. Prioritize sleep! Waking up from sleep in a way that feels that you’re bringing in gratitude and appreciation for what’s going to happen. And then at night, try to close down the day and set yourself up for a really restful night so you can recharge and reset your body. So at night, if you can, take the last 30-60 minutes and try not to take more information in. I think a lot of times we want to read a book or just take more information in, but that’s actually a really good time to NOT do that… to really digest and reflect on the day. Aske yourself, “what’s happened in this one day?” The time at the end of the day is great to appreciate everything that came up. Notice patterns that came up, thoughts that arose, and even people that you interacted with. And all without judgement. So as much as possible, allowing pure awareness. No positive or negative associations with it, per se. Letting yourself be the witness, the watcher, the viewer of it all. See what you think of this practice. As much as possible, try not to ruminate. Reflection without rumination. Pure reflection to digest your day.
Hope that’s helpful for you. We’ll be back in May for another theme to focus on.