Remembering Ahimsa On-Demand Yoga Intensive
with Nicole Tierre
In this 9-part intensive we remember ahimsa, non-violence in our practice. The first of the yamas (social controls) is ahimsa, which translates to "not causing pain." We'll go on a journey to find ways to "not cause ourselves or others pain,” both on and off the mat. We will talk about different translations of the yama, its benefits, and different ways to practice it. The world needs less violence and pain. We can be the start of that by remembering ahimsa.
with Nicole Tierre
In this 9-part intensive we remember ahimsa, non-violence in our practice. The first of the yamas (social controls) is ahimsa, which translates to "not causing pain." We'll go on a journey to find ways to "not cause ourselves or others pain,” both on and off the mat. We will talk about different translations of the yama, its benefits, and different ways to practice it. The world needs less violence and pain. We can be the start of that by remembering ahimsa.
with Nicole Tierre
In this 9-part intensive we remember ahimsa, non-violence in our practice. The first of the yamas (social controls) is ahimsa, which translates to "not causing pain." We'll go on a journey to find ways to "not cause ourselves or others pain,” both on and off the mat. We will talk about different translations of the yama, its benefits, and different ways to practice it. The world needs less violence and pain. We can be the start of that by remembering ahimsa.